Accommodation? Let us help you find the right place.

Our counsellor's will take the time to understand your needs and we can work within your budget to find a place you can call home. Whether its an apartment, home stay, residence or hostel, let one of our counsellor's guide you at no charge.

Need Help With Accommodation

Shared Apartments

Shared apartments are the most popular choice for most of our students as this gives them a chance to make new friends and most importantly they can choose what type of room they would like to live in. This can range from living in a single, double or even triple room share.

Prices depend on location, but our counsellors can guide you with our large network to find what best suits your needs.

Need Help With Shared Apartments?

Home Stay

Living in a home stay is a fantastic opportunity to experience and socialise with an Australian family.

This will expose you to the Australian culture as well as improve your English literacy.

If you feel you would prefer to live in a family environment, then choosing to live in a homestay is for you.

There is criteria you will need to meet, but our counsellors are here to guide you in finding the right family for you.

Need Help With Home Stay?


Staying in a hostel is a great option if no accommodation has been organised prior to coming to Australia. It also offers flexibility as you can stay short or long term without committing to any contracts.

Hostels offer a wide range of accommodation to suit various budgets such as single rooms, double rooms or dorm rooms.

The benefit of staying in a hostel is that you can meet likeminded people from all over the world who you can build long lasting friendships with.

Our expert counsellors can share with you their experience at taking this option.

Need Help With Hostel Info?

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