You can work on an Australian farm for a few days and up to several months.
The Australian Government is encouraging young people to work on farms by granting a second Working Holiday Visa to those who accumulate at least 88 working days (not necessarily with the same employer).
If you’re in Australia on a Working Holiday Visa and have fallen in love with this incredible country, you can always enquire to find out the best way for you to extend your Australian stay.
To extend the duration of your visa, there are several options available including attending a course of study. However, it is common for young people to complete 88 days of work on a farm or in regional areas during their first Working Holiday Visa; this will then allow you to apply to stay for a second year.
Need Help To find Farm Jobs in Australia?Farm work usually takes place in working communities or on farms that may offer food and shelter – although this is not always the case. The most common sectors to complete this work in are agriculture, fishing, fresh produce, meat and poultry production.
Most work is paid on an hourly basis or according to the amount of fruit and vegetables harvested. Workers are usually paid on a weekly or fortnightly (every two weeks) basis.
At the beginning, it will be important to be satisfied looking for work in the sectors where the demand is greatest: tourism and catering (waiters, barmen, dishwashers, receptionists, etc.), construction (bricklayers, labourers, workers, carpenters) and agriculture (fruit and vegetable pickers, farm workers, livestock workers). These are examples of casual jobs; jobs that can be learned in a short time and that almost everyone can do.
If you’re in Australia on a Working Holiday Visa and have fallen in love with this incredible country, you can always enquire to find out the best way for you to extend your Australian stay.
To extend the duration of your visa, there are several options available including attending a course of study. However, it is common for young people to complete 88 days of work on a farm or in regional areas during their first Working Holiday Visa; this will then allow you to apply to stay for a second year.
Need Help To find Farm Jobs in Australia?Finding a farm to work on is not so easy; it is better to organise this in advance. It’s a good idea to contact people who have already had this experience or use your network—consult websites or groups on social media dedicated to working on farms.
Finding a farm to work on is not so easy; it is better to organise this in advance. It’s a good idea to contact people who have already had this experience or use your network—consult websites or groups on social media dedicated to working on farms.
Make sure that the company you’re going to work for is easy to get to.
Then, look for accommodation nearby. Read reviews from other travellers and check the room before a payment is made.
Our final advice is to have fun!
Become familiar with the environment, make new friends, learn from those who have more experience than you, immerse yourself in Australian culture and prove to yourself that it is possible to do something you’ve never thought about!.
Our advice would be to start your experience in a city and then make your way over to farms. Our advice would be to start your experience in a city and then make your way over to the farms.
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